ututu-codebox ... about ...

Put simply, ututu-codeBox is a panic button.

More specifically, codeBox is a SELF ASSEMBLY MOBILE APPLICATION designed for but not limited to the purpose of enabling multiple text and email messages to be sent simultaneously in the event of an emergency at the push of one button.

source code ...
<!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >
<script id="about">
var ututu = {
  about : {
    title       :
"codeBox" ,
    description :
"Put simply, ututu-codeBox is a panic button."                                         +
                  "More specifically, "                                                                   +
                  "codeBox is "                                                                           +
                  "a "                                                                                     +
                  "SELF ASSEMBLY MOBILE APPLICATION "                                                    +
                  "designed for "                                                                         +
                  "but not limited to "                                                                   +
                  "the purpose of enabling multiple text and email messages to be sent simultaneously " +
                  "in the event of an emergency "                                                         +
                  "at the push of one button."                                                            ,
    version     :
"ututu-1; 2015/09/25; 13:13:13; David Auguste;" , xx:''
    } ,
  instructions :
    "[1] install DroidScript from Google Play Store onto your mobile Android device; " +
    "[2] create a new HTML project, then copy and paste all of this code into it; "    +
    "[3] hit Run...(tell your friends...peace)"                                         ,
  contacts : {
    davidAuguste : {
      name    :
"David Auguste"                ,
      address :
"London, England"              ,
      mobile  :
"+447449399985"                , xx:''
      } , xx:''
    } ,
  comments :
    "ignore or remove occurrances of [xx:'']...it's only there for compatibility with Internet Explorer 9..." , xx:''
  } ;
<!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" >
script src='file:///android_asset/app.js'></script>
<!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >
<script id="helper_functions">
function output (_string ) {
  var e = document.getElementById("output"); if(e)e.innerHTML += _string;
function tag (_tag,_attributes,_content,_addEndTag ) {
  var space=(_attributes.length>0?' ':'');
  if(_addEndTag )return '<'+_tag + space +_attributes + '>' +_content + '</'+_tag +'>';
  else return '<'+_tag + space +_attributes + '>' ;
function getNextSiblingByClassName (_e,_n) {
  var f=_e;
  while (f&&f.className!=_n)f=f.nextSibling;
  return f;
function getPrevSiblingByClassName (_e,_n) {
  var f=_e;
  while (f&&f.className!=_n)f=f.previousSibling;
  return f;
function toggleDisplay (_e,_s1,_s2) {
  if (_e&&_e.style.display ==_s1)_e.style.display =_s2;
  else if(_e) _e.style.display =_s1;
function toggleBackgroundColor (_e,_s1,_s2,_toggleScrollbar) {
  var c = _e&&_e.style.backgroundColor==_s1?_s2:_s1;
    if (_toggleScrollbar)
      _e.style.scrollbarBaseColor =
      _e.style.scrollbarFaceColor =
      _e.style.backgroundColor = c;
      _e.style.backgroundColor = c;
function preserveText () {
  var x,t=document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
  for(x in t) { t[x].innerHTML = t[x].value; }
function getClipboardText () {
  var t;
  try { t = app.GetClipboardText(); }
  catch (_err) { t = window.clipboardData.getData("Text"); }
  return t;
function setClipboardText (_t) {
  try { app.SetClipboardText(_t); }
  catch (_err) { window.clipboardData.setData("Text",_t); }
function runScript (_text,_appendToBody) {
  if(_appendToBody) {
    try {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
      if (script.text=='') {
        script.text = _text;
      else {
    catch(e) { alert(e); return; }
  else {
    try { eval(_text); }
    catch(e) { alert(e); return; }
function addStyleSheet (_text) {
  try {
    var styleNode = document.createElement('style');
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    styleNode.type =
    if(!! (window.attachEvent && !window.opera)) {
      styleNode.styleSheet.cssText = _text;
    else {
  catch(e) { alert(e); return; }
<!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >
<script id="layout_settings">
var settings = {
  buttons : {
    size         :
"128px", xx:''
    } ,
  color : {
    background   :
"#fff" ,
    foreground   :
"#000" ,
    newTask      :
"#0ff" ,
    delTask      :
"#f0f" ,
    activate     :
"#f00" ,
    check        :
"#0f0" ,
    editor       :
"#ff0" , xx:''
    } ,
  messages : {
    onCopy       :
"task list copied to clipboard"                        ,
    onPaste      :
"clipboard text copied to task list "                 ,
    emailError    :
"function email(...) is not supported on this device" ,
    textError    :
"function text(...) is not supported on this device"  , xx:''
    } ,
  script : {
    appendToBody :
false , xx:''
    } ,
  text : {
    label        :
"codeBox..."                                                       ,
    task         :
"textarea.rows=32;\r\n//www.w3schools.com -> \"Learn JavaScript\"" , xx:''
    } , xx:''
var css = {
  body: {
    type :
      "tag" ,
    declaration :
      "color:"                        + settings.color.foreground + ";" +
      "background- color:"            + settings.color.background + ";" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  frame : {
    type :
      "id" ,
    declaration :
      "font- family:Arial;"           +
      "width:100%;"                   +
      "height:100%;"                  +
      "color:"                        + settings.color.foreground + ";" +
      "background- color:"            + settings.color.background + ";" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  button : {
    type :
      "tag" ,
    declaration :
      "height:"                       + settings.buttons.size     +       ";" +
      "width:"                        + settings.buttons.size     +       ";" +
      "border:8px "                  + settings.color.foreground + " solid;" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  newTask : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "margin:16px;"                  +
      "font- size:56pt;"              +
      "background-color:"            + settings.color.newTask + ";" +
      "border- radius:"               + settings.buttons.size  + ";" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  delTask : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "margin:16px;"                  +
      "font- size:56pt;"              +
      "background-color:"            + settings.color.delTask + ";" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  container : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "margin:0px;"                   +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  label : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "white- space:nowrap;"          +
      "font-family:times new roman;" +
      "font- size:72pt;"              +
      "padding:4px 0px 0px 160px;"   +
      "margin-bottom:16px;"          +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  codeBox : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "display:block;"                +
      "margin:0px 56px 24px 56px;"   +
      "padding:0px;"                  +
      "border:8px "                  + settings.color.foreground + " solid;" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  activate : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "background-color:"            + settings.color.activate + ";" +
      "border- radius:"               + settings.buttons.size   + ";" +
      "float:left;" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  activateGrayed : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "border- radius:"               + settings.buttons.size + ";" +
      "float:left;"                   +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  check : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "margin:0px;"                   +
      "background- color:"            + settings.color.check + ";" +
      "float:right;"                  +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  checkGrayed : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "margin:0px;"                   +
      "float:right;"                  +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
  editor : {
    type :
      "class" ,
    declaration :
      "width:100%;"                   +
      "font- weight:bold;"            +
      "font-family:courier new;"     +
      "font- size:20pt;"              +
      "border:0px;"                   +
      "padding:16px;"                 +
      "background- color:"            + settings.color.editor     + ";" +
      "scrollbar-base- color:"        + settings.color.editor     + ";" +
      "scrollbar-face- color:"        + settings.color.editor     + ";" +
      "scrollbar-track- color:"       + settings.color.editor     + ";" +
      "scrollbar-arrow- color:"       + settings.color.foreground + ";" +
      "scrollbar-DarkShadow- Color:"  + settings.color.foreground + ";" +
      "" , xx:''
    } ,
   editorGrayed : {
     type :
       "class" ,
     declaration :
       "width:100%;"                  +
       "font- weight:bold;"           +
       "font-family:courier new;"    +
       "font- size:20pt;"             +
       "border:0px;"                  +
       "padding:16px;"                +
       "scrollbar-arrow- color:"      + settings.color.foreground + ";" +
       "scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:" + settings.color.foreground + ";" +
       "" , xx:''
     } , xx:''
var style = {
  scale         : 1.0 ,
  paddingBottom :
""  ,
  //[Dd] i encountered problems with popup onscreen keyboards obscuring text entry boxes,
  // so i added padding to the bottom of the "list" (see: id="list" ..below) based on
  // screen size..
  getHTML : function ( _selector ) { return style.getCSS (_selector,true); } ,
  getCSS  :
function ( _selector , _includeHTML ) {
    var a,b,c,d,e;
    function split (){
/[\d]+px|[\d]+pt/g); if(a==null)return;
/ [\d]+px|[\d]+pt/g);
"").split (/px|pt/g);
    function scale (){ if(a==null)return;
      for(e in a)c[e]=parseInt(parseInt(c[e])*style.scale);
    function join (){ if (a==null)return;
      for(e in a){b[e]+=c[e]+d[e];} a=b.join("");
    join ();
    if(_includeHTML)return "style=\"" + (a?a:css[_selector].declaration) + "\"";
    else return                          (a?a:css[_selector].declaration)       ;
    } ,
  initialize :
function () {
    function injectStyle () {
      function createRule (_selector,_type,_declaration){
        var prefix;
          case "class": prefix = "."; break;
          case "id":    prefix = "#"; break;
          default:      prefix = "" ; break;
        return prefix +_selector + "{" +_declaration + "}" ;
      var x,t="";
      for(x in css)if(css[x].type){t+=createRule(x,css[x].type,style.getCSS(x));}
    var w = screen.width ;
    var h = screen.height;
    style.scale = (w<h?w:h)/1360.0 ;
    style.paddingBottom = parseInt((w>h?w:h)/ 1.0)+
    } , xx:
<!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >
<script id="main">
function main () {
"list" ).style.paddingBottom = style.paddingBottom;
"tools").innerHTML =
  tag (
"button" , "class=\"newTask\" onclick=\"newTask()\"" , "+" , true ) +
  tag (
"button" , "class=\"delTask\" onclick=\"delTask()\"" , "-" , true ) ;
  try{ app.SetScreenMode( "Full" ); } catch (_err){ }
function newTask ( ) {
  function buttonActivate ( ) {
    return tag ( "button"   , "class=\"activate\" onclick=\"onActivate (this)\""           , ""                  , true );
  function buttonLabel ( ) {
    return tag ( "div"      , "class=\"label\" onclick=\"onLabel(this)\" contenteditable" , settings.text.label , true );
  function buttonCheck ( ) {
    return tag ( "button"   , "class=\"check\" onclick=\"onCheck (this)\""                 , ""                  , true );
  function textareaEditor ( ) {
    return tag ( "textarea" , "class=\"editor\" contenteditable rows= \"4\""               , settings.text.task  , true );
  var div = document.getElementById('list');
  div.innerHTML =
    tag   (
"div" , "class=\"container\"" , buttonActivate() + buttonCheck() + buttonLabel() +
      tag (
"div" , "class=\"codeBox\""   , textareaEditor ()                                  ,
      true ),
    true ) +
function delTask ( ) {
  var p,e,c;
  if(confirm("Confirm: \"delete all active tasks\"?")) {
    p = document.getElementById("list");
    e = p.childNodes[0];
      if(e.childNodes[0].className=="activate") {
        c=e; e=e.nextSibling; p.removeChild(c);
      else {
<script id="event_handlers">
var textarea;
function onActivate (_e) {
  var f=getNextSiblingByClassName(_e,"codeBox").childNodes[0];
  textarea=f; if(f)runScript (f.value,settings.script.appendToBody);
function onLabel (_e) {
  toggleDisplay (getNextSiblingByClassName(_e,"codeBox"),"none","block");
function onCheck (_e) {
  if(_e.className=="check") {
    getPrevSiblingByClassName (_e,"activate")              .className="activateGrayed";
                                _e                           .className="checkGrayed"   ;
    getNextSiblingByClassName (_e,"codeBox" ).childNodes[0].className="editorGrayed"  ;
  else {
    getPrevSiblingByClassName (_e,"activateGrayed")        .className="activate"      ;
                                _e                           .className="check"         ;
    getNextSiblingByClassName (_e,"codeBox" ).childNodes[0].className="editor"        ;
<script id="api">
function getTaskList ( ) { preserveText(); return document.getElementById('list').innerHTML; }
function setTaskList (_s,_options) {
  switch(_options) {
    case "top": {
      t = document.getElementById('list').innerHTML;
      document.getElementById('list').innerHTML =_s+t;
    case "bottom": {
      document.getElementById('list').innerHTML +=_s  ;
    default: {
      document.getElementById('list').innerHTML =_s  ;
function copy  ( ) {
  try { app.ShowPopup (settings.messages.onCopy ); } catch (_err) { }
function paste (_options) {
  setTaskList( getClipboardText() , _options );
  try { app.ShowPopup(settings.messages.onPaste); } catch (_err) { }
function email (_address,_subject,_body,_attachment) {
  try {
    app.SendMail (_address,_subject,_body,_attachment);
  catch (_err) {
function text  (_number,_message) {
  try {
    var sms = app.CreateSMS();
    sms.SetOnStatus (  sms_OnStatus    );
    sms.SetOnMessage (  sms_OnMessage   );
    sms.Send        ( _number,_message );
  catch (_err) {
    alert( settings.messages.textError );
function sms_OnStatus  ( _status )       { app.ShowPopup(_status); }
function sms_OnMessage ( _number, _msg ) { app.ShowPopup(_number + ": " + _msg); }
body onload="main();">
div id="frame">
div id="tools" align="center"></div>
<div id="list"  align="left"  ></div>
div id="output"></div>
contact ...

Julian Auguste ... 1940-2015