“one over zero is infinity”

question : “what is 1 ÷ 2?”

answer :

step 1 :

“draw a straight line...”

step 2 :

“draw a straight line perpendicular to the first...”

step 3 :

“draw an arc measuring radius 2 across the first line, centred at the point where the first and second lines cross...”

step 4 :

“draw an arc measuring radius 1 across the first line, centred at the point where the first arc crossed the first line...”

step 5 :

“draw an arc measuring radius 1 across the second line, centred at the point where the first and second lines cross...”

step 6 :

“draw a straight line parallel to the first line, passing through the point made by the third arc across the second line...”

step 7 :

“draw an arc measuring radius 1 across the third line, centred at the point made by the third arc across the second line, in a direction opposite to the first arc relative to the second line...”

step 8 :

“join the two points, where the fourth arc crosses the third line, and where the second arc crosses the first line, with a straight line...”

step 9 :

“finally, measure the distance from the point where the third line crosses the second line, to the point where the fourth line crosses the second line...”


question : “what is 22 ÷ 7?”

answer :

step 1 :

“draw a straight line 7 notches long ...”


step 2 :

“draw a straight line 22 notches long from the start of and perpendicular to the first line...”


step 3 :

“draw a straight line 1 notch long from the end of and perpendicular to the second line, in a direction opposite to the first line...”


step 4 :

“join the end of the third line with notch 6 on the first line...”


step 5 :

“finally, measure the distance from the point where the third line touches the second line, to the point where the fourth line crosses the second line...”


example : “1 ÷ ½ = 2”

302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930½1“1 ÷ ½ = 2”

example : “7 ÷ 3.5 = 2”

3029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543211234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543211234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303.57“7 ÷ 3.5 = 2”

example : “1 ÷ 0 = Infinity”

30292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293030292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293001“1 ÷ 0 = ∞”
30292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293030292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293001“1 ÷ 0 = ∞”
30292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293030292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293001“1 ÷ 0 = ∞”